After a disappointing run at the St. George Marathon, Darin and his friend Cory decided they wanted to try the Mesquite Marathon. Early in November, we had hopes of Darin qualifying for the Boston Marathon and the two of us going there to run the Marathon. With the record setting filling of the Boston Marathon, which only took 8 hours to sell out, our hopes of going to Boston were destroyed. He still wanted to run the Mesquite race, so we went to Nevada with some friends and had a great time. Well, a great time as far as being with friends and laughing and enjoying ourselves. The race was another story. The weather was terrible. Cool temperatures made for a chilly start. The wind was the worst for running. There were 35 mph gusts, and constant winds blowing the whole race. Not so good for running a 26 mile long race. Well, it was tough, but Darin finished 3rd in his age group, was 26th overall out of over 200 runners. He was pleased. I decided the marathon was a bit much for me, so I ran the half marathon. I was 1st in my age group and placed rather high overall. The wind was way tough on my little body, I felt like it blew me from one side of the road to the other. It was a fun run. Glad Cory and Mel could join us. We had another couple meet us there to run too, Glen and Kasey Watts ran. The men felt strong or were crazy, which ever you choose, so they ran the marathon. The women were more sane I guess you could say that was a matter of opinion. We all ran the half marathon.

Darin and I at Packet Pick up

Mel and Cory Reese - our friends who do crazy things with us!

Flags blowing straight out showing how windy it was. Cory recorded a short video and put it on, watch it here to see how windy it was at the race.
Mesquite Marathon!

Glen, Jason Smith, Darin and Cory at the beginning of the race.

The Mesquite Marathon, the half looked just the same. :) Not much scenery in this part of the country. The marathon went through three states though, starting in Utah, then Arizona for lots, then finishing in Nevada.